Friday 10 October 2008

Competition: Don't be a mug, win one!

Competition: Don't be a mug, win one!

Hello all. The Cat and Cthulhu Podcast is taking a break for two weeks whilst I am in the USA for my wedding and honeymoon.

In the meantime to keep you all amused and occupied I am running a competion to win a fabulous Cat and Cthulhu Podcast mug! To enter all you have to do is submit a review of your favourite episode of the podcast. (Guest readers cannot review the episode they starred in though.). The reviews may be positive or negative, it doesn't matter as long as it reflects your honest opinion of the show.

I will compile a list of the first 100 entries received and the winner will be chosen by roll of D100 (what else? :wink:)

Selected entries will also be featured on the show and posted in the show notes.

How to Enter:
1. Email your review, either in text or audio (mp3, ogg or wav format), to archimedesuk at gmail dot com. If sending audio please also include a transcript. Please provide your name and your country, country or state of origin. If you win I will contact you via email for the full address to send your prize to.
2. You can alternatively leave the review on iTunes - but please email me your details afterwards.
3. You can also leave your review on the podcastpickle widget on the site, but you'll have to register with podcastpickle to leave a review there. Again, please email me your contact details.


* One entry per person per episode.
* The closing date is Thursday 25th of October or when 100 entries have been received, whichever is sooner.
* Due to cost of postage the mug is only available to those with either a UK or USA address.
* The die roll is final - unless it rolls a number not allocated to an entry in which case it will be re-rolled until an entry is rolled-upon.
* Please keep rude words, etc. to a minimum. Defamatory or otherwise unpleasant entries will be discarded. This show is meant to be suitable for all.

Well that's all for now, happy listening!

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